Limited edition notebooks and sketchbooks DinA6


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Product Description

Limited edition notebooks and sketchbooks
à 32 pages

Our screen-printed posters, produced by hand screen printing, can be sorted out with small imperfections during the production process. But the good people from Paperlux Studio think they are far too beautiful not to be made into A6 or A5 notebooks!
With staple stitching and rounded corners and Metapaper content paper. Always different.
As good as never available again, because Paperlux cuts out the posters differently. And because, of course, the posters are printed in limited editions.

But that also means: you choose the format and quantity and we send you what we have.


Product safety

Manufacturer information

Paperlux GmbH
Hallerplatz 1
20146 Hamburg

Vertreten durch:
Max Marco Kühne
Soraya Maike Kühne

Telefon +49 172 383 409 4